
Strengthening Leaders for Kingdom Service

吉姆·亨利领导力研究所 at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary exists to strengthen ministry leaders for the next generation of Kingdom service.

Christian Leadership engages a unique discussion in the context of congregations, denominations 和 ministry organizations.  As an emerging academic discipline, it is easy to recognize, yet difficult to define or prescribe.  From a biblical 和 spiritual perspective, leadership centers upon influence – moving people from where they are to where God wants them to be.  Currently in the Southern Baptist Convention, the 平均牧权是 3.5至4年.  Three 国家规范 (LA, MS, AL) report 20-25% of their churches do not have pastors.  The dropout rate 的牧师 increases annually.  Consider this quote from Brian Croft, Executive Director, 实际的引导

“Pastors are leaving the ministry in droves.  最近的统计数据显示, 50% 现任牧师 五年后就不在事工了吗80% 不会是牧师吗 十年后.  但它并不止于此.  Many pastors admit having battled depression at some point in their ministry 和 42% 的牧师 考虑戒烟 就在去年.的前言 策略性振兴教会, p. 13) 

We, through the Jim Henry Leadership Institute at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, will provide an intentional impact 和 influence on present 和 future ministry leaders, with the purpose of increasing pastoral tenure 和 reducing the pastoral dropout rate.  Five Strategic Initiatives will drive this effort.





吉姆·亨利领导力研究所 offers 研究奖学金 utilizing NOBTS doctoral students to explore 和 research identifiable leadership topics. The 研究奖学金 include tuition 和 fees for a doctoral student up to four years as long as the student remains in good st和ing in their respective program after an annual review. Five research topics have been identified: pastoral tenure, 部长级健康, 倦怠的预防, pastoral transition 和 strategic leadership proficiencies. 


吉姆·亨利领导力研究所 hosts an annual Leadership Conference at NOBTS, built around a specific topic of leadership interest. The first annual Prepare Here Leadership Conference, 10月12 - 13日, 2023, 涉及249名参与者, 代表10个州.  Components of the conference included three plenary sessions led by three renowned guest speakers, 20 Breakout sessions led by 20 different presenters, 2小组讨论, 4个礼拜仪式.  Conference sponsors involved 4 国家规范 (LA, MS, AL, TN), one Association (the New Orleans Baptist Association) 和 several NOBTS entities.


吉姆·亨利领导力研究所 hosts 领导峰会 involving leadership roundtable discussions, peer groups/networks 和 mentoring sessions. Summit topics include Resolving Church Conflict, 领导教会变革, 成为战略领导者, 复兴功能失调的教会, Preventing Leadership Burnout 和 Restoring Ministerial Wellness.  A customized option is available for additional summit topics.  Summits completed in 2023: (1) Conflict Resolution Summit for the LA Baptist Convention, 亚历山大, LA, 8月31日, 2023, 25人出席.


吉姆·亨利领导力研究所 website 和 APP have both been developed.  Website content includes recent news, event highlights, newsletters 和 general information.  APP content includes Jim Henry sermon series 和 top ten book lists.  Content for both the JHLI website 和 APP will be updated frequently.  Future publishing initiatives to be determined.


吉姆·亨利领导力研究所 partners with researchers, 国家规范, local associations 和 other ministry organizations to provide consultants when requested.  咨询s completed in 2023: (1) Strategic Planning for Woodl和 Heights Baptist Church, 康威, TX, 6月- 11, 2023, 和 (2) Associational Merger for East Texas Baptist Network, 朗维尤, TX, 7月25日至26日, 2023.


Contact the Jim Henry Leadership Institute

温柔大道3939号.LA 70126,新奥尔良280号信箱


Dr. 雷吉Ogea
Director of the Jim Henry Leadership Institute, Professor of Leadership 和 Pastoral Ministry






JimHenry.jpgThe institute honors the ministry of Jim Henry, an NOBTS graduate 和 longtime pastor who served as president of the Southern Baptist Convention in 1994 和 1995. Under Henry's leadership from 1977 until 2006, 奥兰多第一浸信会教堂, 佛罗里达, 后来壮大到10人,000多名会员. The church consistently gave sacrificially to the shared work of Southern Baptist through the Cooperative Program. A few years after his retirement from Orl和o First, Henry began pastoring again. 据亨利说, he was "redeployed” as pastor of Downtown Baptist Church in Orl和o from 2015 until 2019.

During his time at NOBTS, Henry pastored churches in Alabama 和 Mississippi. 毕业后, Henry pastored Two Rivers Baptist Church in Nashville, 田纳西州, before accepting the call to FBC Orl和o.
